Friday 27 April 2012

WALE it out in Style

caption: Wale 2012-celebrating 90 years of creativity at Wits.
 The 5th Arts and culture event will be taking place at The Witwatersrand University also known as Wits; this will be taking place at the main campus; 1 Jan Smuts Avenue; Braamfontein 2000; Johannesburg; South Africa; starting from the 9 May, which will be on a Wednesday till the Saturday,12 May 2012. It is an annual event that has been going on from the year 2008. It is also known as WALE, which stands for the 'Wits Arts and Literacy Experience', it has the best that Wits has to offer in dramatic arts, films, music, literature, theatre and much more. People are given a platform to show their artistic, creative, literacy and intellectual achievements of Wits graduates. This year marks the 90 years celebration of creativity at Wits, also the involvement in Social Activism. Wits is known to have produced influential leaders in the past , exceptionally artistic and relative intellectuals. Wale 2012 will offer just a sneak preview in how your tomorrows shining stars in everything will be reflected.

caption: stage play by the Wits drama students.

This programmes are sure to give different residents of Joburg and visitors to the city a chance to gain a cultural edge through art, drama, theatre, music, poetry, academic and creative writing. People can learn so much in engaging themselves in these variety of options and may even find their true passion in one of these activities. There will also be a parade taking place through Wits, a fashion show on the ramps, drama and dance on stage and live performances with a variety of Djs on the decks. This is just another lovely way to experience South African  and global culture. Join in the fun and lets see how creative you are and how you can grow your knowledge.

caption: An awesome parade through wits by the students.

WALE 2012 will feature a rich programme that includes:

• The ever popular WALE Carnival Parade
• An art exhibition titled WAM! Seeing Stars which will be the inaugural exhibition at the Launch of the WITS Art Museum at University corner
• Spectacular musical performances and concerts, including a special focus on Jazz
• The celebration of 10 years of Journalism and Media Studies
• An Inaugural Lecture
• Film screenings and discussions
• An extravagant book fair with launches and book displays by leading authors, publishers and book stores
• Drama, performance, theatre and much, much more…

WALE 2012 offers a stimulating and exciting programme for all arts and literature lovers, whatever their tastes and interest.


  1. it is an amazing event in deed but do you think they are getting enough publicity because to be honest its my first time hearing about this event and am very sure that a lot of people out there are also not aware???

    1. It is also my first time hearing about this.

  2. @Siphokazi, I honestly dont think that they are doing a good job in letting people know about this event as you state that it is your first time coming across such an event, the thing is as students they rely on word of mouth, which is not enough but if you could look it up there is a web page that informs you about it. If they could just use other means of informing people about it,it will make a huge difference. Like the platform I'm using now in letting you know about it is something, now you can go out there and tell your friends about it and how amazing you find this event to be.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think that this is a good event that gives sturdent the opportunity to show case their talents and it give us the opportunity to learn more about arts.

  5. As a Public relations student I feel that " gaining a a cultural edge through art, drama, theatre, music, poetry, academic and creative writing" is very important for student life, it is important to have social activities as well as academic activities that take place,Im glad im hearning about the Wale and the programme it features its great to know that WIts is still marketing itself as an interactive University
